Version 45 and 46: A bit of everything

This minor update (and the sneaky 45 update I made some days ago) is a bit of a catch-all.
-First there is some new content with two new illustrations (Zed is the best), one of which appears just at the start of the game.
-Next there are quite some bug fixes and Qol changes, including one rare teleportation that lead into a wall and a bug that increased the chances of having a strong enemy in random slots of random encounters.
-I also finished clearing out the last parts where the translation was a bit old. The translation is now 100% proofread.
-Finally, version 45 introduced a buff for the mid-game enemies. It seemed actually to not have been enough, so I may do some more buffs in the future.

I also worked quite a lot on the next real content update, I may make a dev diary about what's planned for that update in the future.

Files 873 MB
Version 46 Oct 11, 2023 912 MB
Version 43 Oct 11, 2023

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